At Retreat Massage, every massage is tailored to meet your specific needs and concerns. Whether you are coming purely for relaxation or you wish to address specific problem areas, Kristi will listen to you and will listen to your body.

Therapeutic Massage
$85 for 60 minutes
$110 for 80 minutes
$225 for 3 60-minute massages
Hot Stone Massage
$100 for 60 minutes
$125 for 80 minutes
Your Therapist

Kristi McCauley, owner of Retreat Massage, has been a Licensed Massage Therapist and a member of the American Massage Therapy Association since 2006. She holds an international certification in Neuromuscular Therapy and is a master level practitioner of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy. Additionally, she is trained in pregnancy massage, geriatric massage, hot stone massage, Ashi-Thai massage, facilitated stretching, and ACE cupping. A graduate of the Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy, Kristi also holds a degree in Kinesiology and a certificate in Camp Leadership and Programming from Wheaton College.
Kristi combines her knowledge of the human body, her world-class massage training, and her intuition to deliver skilled and effective treatment for her clients. She is full of wonder at how each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made, and it is out of her faith in Jesus Christ that she seeks not only to provide a top-notch massage, but also to be a conduit of healing as He would see fit.
Located in the Colorado Springs Briargate neighborhood near North Union Blvd and Research Parkway, the unique Retreat Massage home office suite combines the refined allure of a spa with the warmth and personal connection that only a home office can provide.